Monday, April 13, 2009


For this assignment, we had to write some kind of love poem. It didn't necessarily have to be love like I love my boyfriend/girlfriend/etc. but just some way in which you've experienced love. We had just read "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" and "How Do I Love Thee," so we could kinda use those as reference. It could be about anything or anyone. My teacher suggested perhaps something Easter-related (Christian school, you see). I didn't go with that, but I don't think it matters. Here's what I came up with. Every word is on purpose.

There is no you, me, you, you, you, or you.
There is only us.
Us is all that matters, sometimes.
Othertimes, when the times are all that matter,
Us is what keeps us together,
Even when us is apart.

Us is love, laughter, life.
Us is dancing, day or night,
Rain or shine,
Even or uneven.

Us is a hayride,
It goes through the course,
Sometimes dark, scary, but always perfect.

Us is a movie theatre,
Drinking lemonade,
Laughing until tears are falling from every eye,
Shouting out at the wrong (right) time.

Us is us.

Us is love.

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