Sunday, April 19, 2009

This time, our assignment was to write "a poem." Like... pretty much, that was it. Ok, I'm lying, there was a little more to it. We had to write in the style of modern poets, like e.e. cummings or someone of the same time. We had to use styles like free verse, scrambled syntax, or "creative punctuation." We could write about anything we wanted to. I couldn't think of anything to write about, which kind of inspired me in a way, so I came up with this.

I would really like some input, actually. Not like "omgeez you suck" or "I like your poems" or anything like that. More like... do you get them? Do they make sense? Or are they just crazy? If they don't make sense, do you know why? (Some of them won't make sense to certain people because of what they're about, and that's fine with me.) Do they speak to you in a special way? Should I write more? Ideas on what to write about would be appreciated, too. I don't want this just to be school assignments.

Anyway, here's the poem. See if you can tell me what it's about. ;] Pretty easy, I think.

The great, invisible Parasite

The Block sits,
feeding off of The Writer’s
inability to think of
any word at all.

why do they call it
if anything,
The Block is the owner
in that relationship.

“a blank page
is like an empty canvas.”
stop. erase. start over.

The Block is taking its toll.

The Writer shies away,
from The Block,
but it only gets heavier.

moment upon moment,
even days may pass.
The Writer can feel The Block
pressing down
soaking up
every loose thought,
every A, E, I, O, U
(and sometimes Y)

And Then It Happens.

The Writer breaks into a run.
faster and faster,
feet pound against the pavement,
pen races across the page,
all reaching out toward the happy ending
now in sight.
The Block stumbles
under its own immense weight,
trying to catch up and
trap The Writer again.

The Writer travels across the world,
through forests and oceans,
love and hate,
joy and despair.
new Friends are created,
allowing The Writer to make more.

but every once in a while,
The Block rears its ugly head,
a moment of panic strikes
The Writer.
but, after some time,
The Writer again escapes
and The Block begins the chase,


  1. It's about writer's block! Or the block's writer! And running away from the evil block of doom! WOO!! :D

    I can actually really relate to this poem since I've got border-line writer's block. Sure, I can dish out a billion blog posts, but that's not the same as a song or a poem. So this poem makes me hopeful. I don't know if that's the right word. It's early.

  2. Haha, yep. Wooooo.

    That makes sense to me, I think. :) Writer's block stinks.

  3. hi

    i have just created a blog dedicated to writing and i was wondering if you would like to post some of your stuff up on it. head on over to if you're interested.

    good poem! :P

    check out the first post on the blog to find out how to submit stories :)

  4. i was thinking that if you wanted to submit stuff, you could email me ( and then i will put them into a post. I think it will work better than having multiple authors because if lots of people decided to start posting stuff, i will have to add loads of authors and things might start getting confusing.
    yeah, that story was a bit hard to follow at times but my brother insisted on having it posted :)
    i had to do some major editing because all his sentences had no full stops or anything!
