Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My most recent Creative Writing assignment was to write a short story that was 2-5 pages long (double-spaced). I actually worked to make this story very short, as I tend to write longer short stories. Here is what I came up with. Enjoy! ^_^ (Please note that this may be edited in the future, so don't be too hard on me! Heehee.)

Oh, and it might also be good to check out this link, but do it AFTER you read so you don't ruin the ending. It's just something we talked about in my class and it sort of became the basis of my story. But again, read it AFTER you read this story. CLICK HERE

p.s. Sorry the paragraphs aren't indented... I'm having trouble formatting on the blog (as usual), so please bear with me! Aaaand yes, the title is grammatically FINE. It is sometimes correct to say "person and me" instead of "person and I," depending on what you say next... but since it's a title/fragment, I thought it better to say "me." That is all.

My Darling and Me

My darling and I had been on the run for years. We’d seen and done it all- pick-pocketing, bank robberies, even snatching all the coins from the “Take a Penny, Leave a Penny” trays. We were professionals, and we were unstoppable… That is, until my darling, one day, decided that he wanted us to go straight. Of course, he took it back hours later, but things were never quite the same after that.

We had been planning the perfect heist for some time. We had even pulled it off without alerting the police, but my darling had slipped up somewhere. Maybe he tried to pawn too many jewels, or maybe he had given our… benefactors… a little glimpse of his face. He told me it was an accident, and of course I believed him, but when I heard the announcement on the train, I began to feel it all start to crumble to bits.

“Attention, passengers. Please remain calm. Two detectives are on board and will be checking the belongings of every passenger on this train. As your conductor, I assure you that they are here for your safety and well-being, so please cooperate with them and enjoy the rest of your ride.”

My darling’s conscience had somehow done us in.

We sprang into action immediately. We never took too much on board with us in case of an emergency such as this, but even so, we couldn’t be too careful. Out the window, I threw the pearls we’d stolen from that woman in New York, my newly bought leather gloves, and the pair of diamond earrings meant for my mother. My darling emptied his pockets, and what I saw horrified me: jewels, money, and even someone’s gold watch. He had failed to hide it away in a safety deposit box. He had neglected to auction off anything that could be considered incriminating evidence. He had even forgotten to put our new bills into our Swiss bank account to be used at a (much) later date… But one item that my darling produced shined with the hope that I may end up alright in the end.

Without taking the time to develop my plan, I took my darling’s pistol and ended his ability to ruin me with his guilt and confessions. I could hear the detectives come running, so I started the waterworks.

“What happened, here?” they demanded.

“Oh, thank God you’re here! This man… he stole all of this from me, and I tried to fight him and then… then this gun, I think it belongs… belonged… to him, it was in my hands and… What have I done?” I asked with a heave. “I’m so sorry, I was just so frightened…”

Believing that my story was foolproof, I turned with a weak sigh to one of the detectives for a look of comfort or words of reassurance that any woman in my supposed position would have grasped at, only to feel the cool of metal rings wrap around my wrists.

“Nice try, but we already know who you are, Mrs. Deloni. We’ve been following you and your husband for weeks, and finally had enough evidence for an arrest when we got on this train. Would have had you back at the train station but you tricksters were too tough to locate. You’ll be riding the rest of this trip with us, ma’am.”

And that was that. They took me to the police station after the train ride was over. They were real gentlemen-gave me dinner and some time to myself, even. Later that night, they questioned me about it all. They asked about Mr. Deloni, the robberies, and of course, that fateful train ride. I couldn’t explain to them what they wanted to know, so they left me alone again. They just didn’t understand. Sometimes, you just have to murder your darlings.

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