Wednesday, March 25, 2009

G, The Car, and Reverse

This is for my Great Gatsby project. I chose to write 3 poems. They have to be free verse and have to include at least three literary devices (i.e. simile, metaphor, alliteration, etc.). This is what I've got for the first poem. Here are the three poems I've got.


Grasping at that one bit of hope.

Girl wants everything and more,
Guy can't catch a break. He hears,

"Go for what you want." He hears,

"Get it or
Go on trying.
Go 'til your
Grave, buried under that
Green, green grass, along with those
Gut-wrenching bodies of those folks who tried to
Grasp it all before you. And maybe someday you'll
Grab your dreams with force like a
Great, gargantuan gust of wind
Gravid with those ever-present dreams from
Generations past."

The Monstrous Murder Machine
It looked at him,
Perfection marred only by a splash of blood.
"She killed the only one who let you have her."

It was right.
Its cream-colored face had shown a
Murderous, sickly green.
KRRR-ACK! And it was over.

All that pride and joy,
All that work,
Every drop of bright beauty and brilliance

Every moment spent reaching,
Was lost in an instant in which time stood still.

Had gone to waste.
"I brought you to her,
Now I've taken you away,
From her, from life---"

And in that instant, he was gone.

The heat is on
Life is full of twists and turns,
The fire explodes with deceit, desire, drama and death.

And then blows the cooler, softer wind.

Dancers circle, laughter ensues.
Steps creak under the weight of rekindled love.
The air is warm with that kindling.
Warm and lovely, it whispers no secrets.

The clouds begin to gather themselves,

Hiding away the sunshine.
The glowing light is smeared by rain,
And with it the joy and excitement of
Starting over.

The wet air cools herself.

New homes are found.
New friends and new lives.
The world is filled with complete wonder.
Every possibility stands like a flower about to blossom.

"Can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can!"

If you've read Gatsby, these hopefully make some sense to the story, right? Even if you haven't, they at least kinda make sense, right? I'm kinda worried. Oh well. I'm done with the project, anyway.

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