Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I know it's not likely that anyone would steal my work, since it is not of that high of a caliber, however I thought it might be a good idea to have one of these doodads posted. I got this idea from TeeTee, but I modified it to my own needs on this particular blog.

Basically, this is a little license for anyone who may want to copy or borrow or whatever a photo/poem/etc. that I post to this page.

Creative Commons License
This work by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Pretty much, here's the deal: It's totally cool if you want to use some part of my art junk on this page to post elsewhere, but there are a couple of rules:
1) Non-commercial use only.
2) Attribute the work to me, preferably by referencing this blog. =)
3) Let me know if you're going to borrow something, just so I'm not like "oh hay, why is my stuff on his/her site?"

Aaaand, since you've been so kind as to read this post, here is a little something for you! hehe.


  1. Oh my. This is getting so professional. o,o"

    That picture looks like the area with a bunch of warehouses in Downtown Oakland....except less dangerous.

  2. Meh, I just want to be careful, since this is all stuff I actually give a rat's behind about. :]

    It's downtown Naperville! :D I love that place.
