Thursday, May 14, 2009

Omg Shoes.

YEAH. I forgot to post this. I painted these shoes. They were originally white.

This is a little siggy section for my friends. There's a little space because I still need a couple more people to write something.

So yeah. Definitely lots of fun. Some lady at the mall told me I should buy many pairs of them, paint them, and sell them on eBay, haha. :]
I made this puppet for French class. I'm doing a project with another girl in which we have to tell a story to the class and teach some vocabulary, so we are doing a puppet show for the story part, and this is the puppet I made. (She made a gorilla!)

His name is Geraldo because the first thing I drew after his eyes, nose, and mouth was his awesome mustache and it reminded me of Geraldo Rivera.

This is how I hold it up, if you wanted to see that part.
(You can also see that I have written his name and then his title in the story, le vendeur, which is the vendor/salesman.)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I saw some pretty tulips outside the mall a few weeks ago, but forgot about the pictures I took of them until just now.

My friend Maggie and I were outside during study hall, just noticing these little guys. They were tiny, probably the size of the eye of a sewing needle. Not sure what they were, but I played with my digital macro to get a few shots of them.

This little guy looks like he's about to jump off the edge of Maggie's math book. Don't do it! You have so much to live for! Teehee.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I know it's not likely that anyone would steal my work, since it is not of that high of a caliber, however I thought it might be a good idea to have one of these doodads posted. I got this idea from TeeTee, but I modified it to my own needs on this particular blog.

Basically, this is a little license for anyone who may want to copy or borrow or whatever a photo/poem/etc. that I post to this page.

Creative Commons License
This work by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Pretty much, here's the deal: It's totally cool if you want to use some part of my art junk on this page to post elsewhere, but there are a couple of rules:
1) Non-commercial use only.
2) Attribute the work to me, preferably by referencing this blog. =)
3) Let me know if you're going to borrow something, just so I'm not like "oh hay, why is my stuff on his/her site?"

Aaaand, since you've been so kind as to read this post, here is a little something for you! hehe.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This is the header I made for my regular blog. I figured it was "artsy" to some extent.